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Dr. Douglas Duffy, DPT MISCP
Douglas received his doctorate in physiotherapy from Arcadia University in Philadelphia, USA in 2004. He has a post-doctoral certificate in vestibular rehabilitation from Emory University run by the leading experts in the field. After training and working in America, he moved to Ireland in 2006. He has given numerous lectures and taught courses in the evaluation and treatment of vestibular and balance disorders and has been a clinical tutor on vestibular disorders at the Eye and Ear hospital for UCD and Trinity medical students.
Dr. Dara Meldrum, PHD MISCP
Dara is a physiotherapist with over 25 years of clinical and teaching experience. She is presently a Research Fellow at the Academic Unit of Neurology, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin and also works clinically at the Balance Centre in Ranelagh, Dublin. She graduated from Trinity College Dublin and worked in Physiotherapy departments in Canada and Ireland, specializing in neuro-rehabilitation. She obtained a MSc. in Neuro-rehabilitation from Brunel University. In 1996 she started the first formalized vestibular rehabilitation service in Ireland at Beaumont Hospital. Her research is primarily in neuro-rehabilitation with particular interest in vestibular rehabilitation and computerized motion analysis. She was awarded a Health Research Board Research Training Fellowship in August 2010 to carry out a randomized controlled trial in the area of vestibular rehabilitation and obtained her PhD in 2014. She has published 31 peer reviewed publications, 4 book chapters and has over 60 conference proceedings. She lectures and teaches extensively in the area of vestibular rehabilitation. She completed a Diploma in Clinical Trials at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2015).
Julianne Ryan MSc, BSc (Hons), MISCP and CORU registered.
Julianne brings years of physiotherapy and vestibular rehabilitation expertise to The Balance Centre. Her years of practice include assessing and treating people experiencing dizziness, vestibular dysfunction and balance issues, along with those experiencing persistent symptoms post-concussion.
Julianne combines her role in The Balance Centre alongside her position in Sport Ireland Institute. This involves the ongoing preparation with athletes for competitions and this summer’s Tokyo Olympic games, where she has been appointed a key member of the HQ team. Her previous physiotherapy roles in sport involve: 5+ years with the senior boxing high performance team (across numerous competitions including the Olympic Games in 2016) and senior men’s hockey (including World Cup in 2018).
Julianne has completed numerous professional courses including; Myofascial trigger point therapy and Dry Needling, Vestibular Rehabilitation (paediatric and adult), Return to Play (injury and concussion), Sports Traumatology to name a few. She believes strongly in educating a person regarding their symptoms and using a multi modal approach in their rehabilitation.
Melanie Reis Msc, HBAKin, MISCP and CORU registered.
Melanie graduated from Queen Margaret University Edinburgh, in 2014, where she received a Master's of Science in Physiotherapy. Prior to that, she completed her BA Kinesiology at Western University in Canada.
Melanie moved to Dublin in 2018 after practicing in Canada for 4 years where she realised her passion for treating vestibular disorders. She has taken multiple basic and advanced courses in vestibular rehabilitation and is currently undergoing a certification through the University of Pittsburgh. She shares a multidisciplinary role in the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital working within the vestibular/physiotherapy department.
Contact Info
If you would like to learn more about the full variety of services available from The Balance Centre, please do not hesitate to get in contact with one of our members of staff, who will be more than happy to assist you with any queries you may have. Just give us a call on (01) 662 5977 or alternatively you can send us an email at thebalancecentre@gmail.com. We’d love to talk to you.